Limited Edition Mystical Power Lanterns.
Power lanterns is a unique nft collection consisting of 7 mystical lanterns, which existed in the fictional universe of Sreenitum, with various combinations.
Power lanterns are the first nft project of this fictional universe and there are a total of 349 mystical lanterns in this universe, 56 red 56 orange 57 yellow 56 green 56 blue 57 purple, and 11 white.
Single Lanterns

Each Lantern Has Its Mystical Power.
- The Red Lantern gets its power from the stars. It gives endless courage and strength.
- Traveling at the speed of light becomes possible with an Orange Lantern.
- There is no time and place limit for the Yellow Lantern. In this way, you can be in many parts of the universe at the same time.
- Everything under the influence of the Green Lantern can become invisible.
- The Blue Lantern is the universe's limitless source of information.
- The Purple Lantern has the power to absorb the energy of almost everything in the universe.
- The White Lantern changes the quantum structure of matter, giving its owner the ability to manipulate reality.
Single Lanterns are scattered all over the universe. 70 of the 349 lanterns in the universe exist as single. The remaining 279 lanterns have come together in all kinds of combinations, as double or fours among each other. The most special lantern among the single lanterns is the white lantern. The white lantern is rarer than other lanterns and can only be connected to Rainbow Lantern.
Double Lanterns

There are 5 of each color combination of Double Lanterns.
There are 75 Double Lanterns in total. Double Lanterns can use the power of both lanterns at the same time.
Fours Lanterns

There are 2 of each color combination of Fours Lanterns.
There are 30 fours lanterns in total. Fours Lanterns can use the power of four lanterns at the same time.
Rainbow Lantern

What makes the Rainbow Lantern different from the others is that there is only one in this universe and it offers its owner a gateway to parallel universes. This door will only be opened by the person who owns the Rainbow Lantern.
Red Lantern = 10 pcs
Orange Lantern = 10 pcs
Yellow Lantern = 10 pcs
Green Lantern = 10 pcs
Blue Lantern = 10 pcs
Purple Lantern = 10 pcs
White Lantern = 10 pcs
Double Lanterns = 5 pcs (total 75pcs)
Fours Lanterns = 2 pcs (total 30pcs)
Rainbow Lantern = Only one